About Us

Welcome To

Growing Memories

Flower Farm

Situated on almost seven acres in the piney woods of East Texas, our flower farm is a place of humble beginnings. We are so excited to have the privilege of being a part of your celebrations, love stories, continuing traditions and maybe even inspiring some new ones. From our farm to your family, we want to thank you for letting us be the grower of your memories.


Our story started in South Padre Island where we were just a couple of diesel mechanics turning wrenches, busting knuckles, and some days swearing like sailors aboard the salty boats of the Texas coast. Our business was booming, and we had more work than we knew what to do with. The only problem, the work was grueling. I’m talking 10–12-hour days, 7 days a week in the most uncomfortable conditions you can imagine. If you’ve never worked in the bilge of a boat in the middle of a Texas summer, let me tell you it’s something like arm wrestling the devil while wearing a deep-fried sleeping bag. It’s hot, greasy, and is physically exhausting. As the years went on, we would often daydream about the days when we wouldn’t have to come home smelling like diesel.

Ryan and I both have a passion for flowers, and growing a small garden at our home never felt like enough. Eventually, our passion grew restless and those daydreams about ditching the diesel turned into discussions, the discussions into research until finally the realization of yes, it could be done and we decided it was time to trade oil for soil and follow our calling by starting a flower farm.

 We were all in, we found and bought the property that would become our farm. And if I’m being honest, it wasn’t like so many stories you hear about where people find the perfect piece of land that checks all the boxes. But that’s usually how we do things, we build the boxes and check them ourselves. We knew all we needed were some seeds, patience, and a lot less sleep to turn our flower farming dreams into a reality. And when I say less sleep, I mean it. Even though we had found our farm, we weren’t able to drop everything and move in. First, there was nowhere to move “in” to as there was no house on the property. We would have to build that ourselves. The next few years were a relentless pursuit of land development and home building. And if I thought we were working hard before, boy was I mistaken, because we were working even harder now. Long days as mechanics mixed with dozens of 10-hour road trips to the farm became our new norm. But it was worth it, and finally, little by little, our dream began to take shape. Growing Memories Flower Farm: a place for those who are born a little old fashioned.



A man of few words but countless talents, Ryan is a build anything and fix it all kind of guy. His creative mind and DIY skills have no boundaries…seriously we have yet to find anything he can’t bring back to life after being deemed broken or create from a few calculations of his measuring tape.

Everything from the flower beds and ponds to the greenhouse and our home was a creation thought up and built by Ryan. His knack for unexpected details and ability to envision a project before it’s even finished is what gives the farm its undeniable beauty.


Often found with a big smile and dirt under her finger nails, Mollee has a unique talent for bringing joy and laughter to any situation. Mollee’s love for working with her hands, staying grounded in nature, and sharing beauty in the world transformed her career path into launching her aspirations of running a flower farm. A perpetual optimistic, she has a long history of taking on projects that require hard work and nurturing them until they blossom (pun intended). A wearer of many hats Mollee is Ryans right hand women, planter of seeds, builder of bouquets, and doer of all things required to keep the business and farm ticking.


A man of few words but countless talents, Ryan is a build anything and fix it all kind of guy. His creative mind and DIY skills have no boundaries…seriously we have yet to find anything he can’t bring back to life after being deemed broken or create from a few calculations of his measuring tape.

Everything from the flower beds and ponds to the greenhouse and our home was a creation thought up and built by Ryan. His knack for unexpected details and ability to envision a project before it’s even finished is what gives the farm its undeniable beauty.